Sustainable approach to funeral costs

Funerals can be expensive. Whether you opt for burial or cremation, costs often run into the thousands of euros. However, there are sustainable and affordable options, especially when you consider the long-term. Here’s a quick overview.

Cremation dates back to Roman times, as historical evidence shows that burning the dead was quite common then. With the rise of Christianity, burial became the norm in Europe for centuries, but this shifted in the 19th century. Today, around 60% of people in the Netherlands opt for cremation, while 40% still prefer burial, often in a natural cemetery.


Cremation is the most cost-effective funeral option. In The Netherlands, the cremation itself typically costs between €1,000 and €2,000, with an additional €1,000 every ten years for placing an urn in a columbarium. Funeral expenses are added on top of these costs. Since you can personalize the farewell, the total cost can vary widely. On average, a cremation costs around €8,500, but your choices for the service can make it either more or less expensive.


Traditional burial is generally more expensive than cremation, and the cost of a grave varies by municipality. On average, a grave costs around €3,500, with a ten-year lease. Most people choose to extend the lease for another ten years, which costs about €1,200. In total, a traditional burial typically costs between €10,000 and €11,000. As with cremation, you can personalize the farewell to be as simple or elaborate as you wish, which will affect the overall price.

Sustainable burial

A grave in a natural burial site costs between €4,000 and €5,000. While this may seem higher at first, the lease is perpetual, meaning there are no further costs for renewal or maintenance. Additionally, there is no expensive headstone or monument; the memorial must blend into the natural surroundings. Therefore, it’s a sustainable, long-term option for lasting peace. The total cost for a natural burial is around €12,000.

Loop voucher

Many people find it a beautiful idea to become part of nature after death, allowing the body to return to the earth and complete the circle of life. The mushroom burial products from Loop Biotech are a perfect fit for this approach, as they enrich the soil. Want to plan ahead? With a Loop Voucher, you can reserve a Loop Living Cocoon™ or Loop ForestBed™ for the future—whether that’s in ten, thirty, or fifty years. It’s reassuring for your loved ones to know everything is taken care of. Plus, by purchasing a Loop Voucher, you support the mission to enrich nature.

Certenty for the future

In The Netherlands, funerals typically take place within six days after the passing, which can overwhelm family members in a short amount of time. Planning ahead or at least sharing your wishes can bring much-needed peace of mind during this stressful period. It also helps clarify the costs involved. Even better, a funeral insurance policy can make things easier. After the passing, the policy pays a lump sum to cover funeral expenses such as the funeral director, coffin, hearse, printing, and catering. Most insurers allow you to insure up to €15,000, with monthly premiums paid until the time of death.

Want to learn more about the costs of a sustainable funeral with a Loop Living Cocoon, Loop ForestBed, or Loop EarthRise? Take a look at this page about the Loop Voucher.